February 07, 2012

Crystal Clear Intentions

Finally it snowed enough over the weekend to make it look like winter. I love the snow for it brings to me a feeling of cleansing and purification. Makes you slow down and be able to reflect. The nights have a glow(it cannot get dark, due to the white surroundings) and there is a stillness that you only find when you are deep in meditation and or pray. Perfect time to reflect on your intentions, New Year's resolutions and or your desires. Also today there is a full moon (in Leo). I learnt about the cycle of the moon and nature from my Grandmother. This is great time to release. Any habits, ideas, issues you want to let go or release from your life this is the time to do it.

I have been asked how to make a collage like what I have mentioned in previous posts. You don't need to make the collage for New Year resolutions. It can be for anything you desire. The collage gives a deep sense of purpose and can be in front of you when praying and meditating for it acts as a key or a focal point. The collage does not have to be literal, but express the feeling of what you want. Here are steps to make a collage:
  1. Think about the reason for the collage. Sit quietly and reflect on the purpose. Be bold enough to admit what you really want. Imagine this desire has already manifested  and experience how it would feel. Write down keywords or images you received while reflecting or meditating.
  2. bless the space you are going to collage. Pray for loving and pure sacred energy to surround you and your work.
  3. Go through magazines, photographs and computer images. Tear out or print pictures and words that jump out at you. Do not think about it, but only feel. Be in tune with your gut reaction or feelings.
  4. Now is the fun part.....arrange the words and pictures on you board until it feels right. Glue it down.
  5. Now stand back and admire it. Bless your collage and give thanks to God. Also I would recommend saying "this of something better, in accordance to my highest good, comes to me".
If you want to use the moon energy....Nonna, my Grandmother said to plant seeds at new moon (so about 13 days time).

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